Let's Get Your Dating Life Unstuck Together 1x1

Stop repeating the same mistakes, start feeling sexually attractive around women you like, and find the perfect partner with my only 1x1 coaching program!

Me in a houndstooth blazer on the beach in SF, smiling
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of Blaine's client

4.86/5 (from 3,000+ clients)


What guys are saying about Blaine

Me and Tara on the beach, standing, smiling

You aren't alone, dating is difficult

Especially if you've achieved some success in your professional life, feeling like you're dating below your potential is f***ing frustrating!

Perhaps you've been too busy building your career to focus much on women until now, anyway.

Let’s be honest for a second, though...

You're probably bad at MARKETING yourself.

I don’t mean to be harsh!

Through coaching 3,000+ men, I've learned it's probably true 🙃

It’s actually good news...

YOU aren't the problem!

You probably know this already, because you see less-successful, less-intelligent, and less-warmhearted guys dating attractive women, and wonder "What am I missing?"

How you MARKET yourself is.

Being a nice guy is fine, but it's not enough.

You need real CONFIDENCE. You need to create CHEMISTRY. You need to put your BEST foot forward.


What more clients are saying


It was purely based on your advice that my dating life has improved. My favorite part was the Thirsting and Thriving examples. It showed me exactly what and where I was going wrong.


Me and Tara in front of the Golden Gate bridge, standing back to back, smiling

Women WANT to date guys who can MARKET themselves

Once you're positioning yourself in an authentic and genuine way...

And you're communicating so you're creating romantic chemistry, not just friendly camaraderie...

⛔ You'll STOP hearing, "It was great to meet you, but I didn't feel a connection..."

✅ And you'll start hearing, "Last night was so fun :) You free this weekend?"

No, this isn't some sleazy pickup artist b.s. 💩

You don't need to be an a**hole to attract women...

You don't need to act like anyone else, either...

You just need to understand the organizing principles that underly your interactions with women, and follow a few simple steps!

Then you will start attracting women you're genuinely excited about, even if you don't feel sexually attractive today 🙃


What more clients are saying


You have seriously changed my life. I started dating my dream girl 2 weeks ago, and we made our relationship official today!


Me and Tara in front of the Golden Gate bridge, hands up, smiling

Let's get you unstuck!

I’m Blaine, and I’m the founder of Dating By Blaine.

My team and I have spent YEARS teaching 3,000+ guys like YOU to attract awesome girlfriends.

With my 1x1 Jumpstart program, you'll work with me or my equally talented teammate Coach Tara to learn every strategy, shortcut, and secret we've discovered along the way.

You will quickly:

🤗 Get out of the friendzone with 9s and 10s...

🤠 Get onto amazing first, second, third (etc) dates!

✘ No more stress wondering where you stand.

✘ No more picturing a future with every attractive woman who gives you attention.

✘ No more running around in circles repeating mistakes.

Whether you're the nice guy who always gets passed over, or you feel largely invisible to quality women today...

We'd love to help you!

With my Jumpstart program, you get a 1x1 guide to help you:

🌶️ Discover what makes you sexually attractive and feel confident flirting with women, even ones you think are "out of your league" today.

❤️ Start dating women you’re excited about with an idiot-proof process you can follow (and lead!) from first encounter to relationship.

💪 Stop doubting yourself for good so you never feel confused or frustrated when it comes to women, dating, and relationships again.


What more clients are saying


Shortly after I finished your course, I started dating my wonderful girlfriend Barrie, and we've now been together about a year. I'm thrilled to be one of your (many) success stories.



How our 1x1 Jumpstart Program Works

Jumpstart is an immersive and intimate 1x1 coaching program that combines:

  1. 🍎 Comprehensive curriculum
  2. 📲 On-demand 1x1 coaching
  3. 🎉 Dozens of bonus materials

You have the option of working with me, or my equally talented teammate Coach Tara — we collaborate on all of our clients together.

Details are below!

Blaine's Dating Masterclass graphic

Jumpstart Pillar 1:
Masterclass Curriculum

My Masterclass curriculum delivers a thoughtfully organized systems approach to dating that will serve as the backbone of your coming transformation!

By watching the course, you will quickly:

Master dating psychology by learning what women want, how to show you’ve got it, how to uncover the qualities that make you sexy, how to stop turning women off, and more.

Hone your dating skillset by discovering exactly how to meet women you like in-person and online, becoming a world-class flirt, and planning inspiring dates that lead to more!

Enjoy lifetime access to all Masterclass course materials including the video lessons, workbooks, and bonus materials to reinforce your learnings and growth.

Jumpstart Pillar 2:
1x1 Coaching

Get out of the friend zone, and get onto dates with the "9s" and "10s" you're excited about, with either me or Tara in your back pocket.

Specifically, with Jumpstart, you get:

✔ Six live 1x1 Zoom coaching sessions we'll use to define your goals, solve your deepest dating challenges, punctuate your learnings, and benchmark your progress.

✔ Unlimited 1x1 email access over 12 weeks so you have on-demand answers to questions like, "What should I text?" or "How do I handle this situation?"

✔ Full 1x1 dating app profile makeover so you start consistently matching with women you're excited about on apps like Hinge, Bumble, and The League.

✔Additional ongoing support available as needed — our #1 priority is making you successful, and we don't leave clients hanging!

Jumpstart Product Graphic
Jumpstart Bonuses Graphic

Jumpstart Pillar 3:
Exclusive Bonuses

Here are a few of the Jumpstart-exclusive resources that await you:

✔Access to our team of experts including NYC-based personal stylist Michaela Murray, our mock date expert Kahlah Macedo, licensed therapist Nikki Evans, and more.

✔ Lifetime access to all of our courses including my Texting OS, Online Dating OS, an any future courses I develop!

✔ Lifetime access to the DBB Discord Community to connect with and learn from other students and alums. Don't worry, this is 100% private and anonymous if you prefer.

✔ Lifetime access to my live Q&A sessions on topics upvoted by the DBB Community. Also 100% private and anonymous if you prefer!


What more clients are saying


I continue to appreciate your help to make it possible for me to meet people like her!



Frequently Asked Questions


My 1x1 Jumpstart program is for guys who are ready to stop doubting themselves with girls, feel sexually attractive, and date the women they’re excited about on their own terms.

Because it’s fully personalized to you, Jumpstart can be a fit whether you are:

🐣 Relatively inexperienced with women and dating

😤 Dating regularly but not attracting the “9s” and “10s” you know you deserve

Many of my Jumpstart clients fall into one of two categories:

1. The engineer, who may or may not be an actual engineer.

This is you if you're smart and analytical, you have a solid career and fulfilling personal life, and you're ready for dating to catch up and become fun and easy!

2. The divorcé.

This is you if you weren't expecting to be single again, and could use a refresher on dating generally (and dating in the digital age specifically) now that you're back on the market.

I've worked with guys from almost every background you can think of, though!

My clients are short, tall, white, black, Asian, Indian, American, European, rich, blue collar, outgoing, shy, handsome, "ugly", athletic, disabled, thin, overweight, fit, you name it 😃🌐

One callout...

Jumpstart is designed for guys who can comfortably make a four-figure financial investment in themselves.

If you're not there yet, no sweat.

Check out my Masterclass, Texting Operating System, or Online Dating Operating System instead.

2. Who is your JUMPSTART PROGRAM NOT for?

Great question! I typically cannot help:

1. Guys who believe they are BEYOND help.

If you’ve convinced yourself that women and dating are a lost cause, I probably won't be able to change your mind.

Dating is heavily psychological, and BELIEVING IN YOURSELF is critical for success. That sounds corny, but it's true!

That's not to imply you need to be bursting with self-confidence coming in (my job is to help you develop that!) but if you're starting from a place of TOTAL self-doubt, therapy may be more effective than coaching.

2. Guys seeking a MAGIC PILL.

If you expect to spend an hour with us on Zoom, and then suddenly become a playboy who has his choice of gorgeous models to fool around with...

Jumpstart is not for you!

The program delivers a proven recipe for success that has been tested by thousands of guys, but YOU have to take action and bake the cookies.

We can meaningfully change your trajectory with women (e.g. take you from a "6" to an "8") FAST, but this isn't a magic pill, and you should be wary of anyone trying to sell you one!

3. ARROGANT guys who DROWN in the theory.

Many of my students are highly analytical, and highly analytical guys get great results because you'll get a coherent, organized, systems approach to women and dating — plus 1x1 help to process everything!

Over-thinkers also get good results, because we'll help you simplify decisions, and bust out of your analysis paralysis.

However, occasionally guys will sign up for coaching who are SO preoccupied with theory and edge cases (and SO convinced that they know everything already...) they never implement the simple, practical, and relatively universal advice we share 🙄

If this sounds like you (e.g. you would rather argue about whether I'm right than learn a new skill...) you will probably get poor results compared to the guys who prioritize listening and take action!

4. Guys with IRRATIONAL expectations.

Our 1x1 clients expect and obtain amazing results, and I would NEVER want a client to settle, but if you expect to date fitness models and you're 50 lbs overweight...

Or, if you're 40+ years old and you refuse to entertain the idea of dating a woman in her early 30s because she's "too old" for you...

We probably can't help you!

A boxing analogy may be appropriate here. We can help you dominate your dating weight class, and even compete 1-2 classes above, but NATURE is beyond our control.

You can't expect to start knocking out heavyweights in a month if you're starting as a flyweight.

5. Guys with hardcore VICTIM mentality.

If you view life as something that happens TO you, and you seldom feel agency over the direction you're headed in...

I'm sorry, but we can't help you either.

If you're any of these 5x guys, I truly wish you the best, but please don't apply for Jumpstart ❤️

One more note...

If you can't comfortably make a four-figure investment in yourself, Jumpstart isn't for you.

Check out my Masterclass, Texting Operating System, or Online Dating Operating System instead.

3. How exactly does JUMPSTART work?

Great question!

Before you sign up, you'll have a brief 1x1 Zoom consultation with me or Coach Tara.

We offer this consultation because Jumpstart is a meaningful investment, and it’s important that:

1. You get a chance to meet US and feel confident that we'll help you achieve your dating and personal goals 🤝

2. We get a chance to meet YOU and feel confident you'll get good ROI on your investment in a dating coach 📈

You can choose who you have the consultation with based on who you want to work with (which usually boils down to price — my package is more expensive than Tara's simply because of supply and demand!)

Anyway, if we feel like working together is a fit, you’ll sign up, and receive immediate access to my recorded Masterclass curriculum.

We encourage you to dive into it immediately, because the content will lay a foundation (and give us a shared vocabulary to use in our 1x1 sessions) for everything we'll work on together.

You'll schedule your first 1x1 Zoom coaching session shortly after signing up.

During your first session, we'll get to know you more deeply, help you set initial goals for the program, and start working through your most urgent challenges.

From there, we'll TYPICALLY schedule your next three live 1x1 sessions at four-week intervals, because we've found this cadence is most effective for the busy guys who choose to work with us 1x1.

You can use your remaining two 1x1 Zoom coaching sessions anytime in the 12 months following your signup as need arises.

You can also use any of your six 1x1 sessions with our team of in-house experts including NYC-based personal stylist Michaela Murray, our mock date expert Kahlah Macedo, and licensed therapist Nikki Evans.

We’ll start communicating via email right away!

Email coaching is perfect for chatting through day-to-day challenges in your dating life, like how to respond to tricky messages, which photos to use for your Instagram or dating profiles, and anything else you want to talk about.

Most clients are initially drawn to the 1x1 Zoom sessions, but find the email coaching drives even more of the value of their Jumpstart investment!

We'll structure our work together as YOU see fit.

Some of our clients prefer an open-ended program, and use their coach mostly as needs arise ad hoc.

Other clients prefer to focus on a couple of specific areas, and use the 1x1 help for targeted feedback, accountability, and encouragement against their goals.

Occasionally, clients want us to take the wheel, and set structure for them.

We can accommodate any of these style, so which we pursue is 100% up to you!

4. IS THE 1x1 coaching really unlimited?

Yes, but if you're asking, please read on 😉

Jumpstart Your Dating Life includes three types of 1x1 coaching:

1. Live Zoom coaching.

We'll have six live 1x1 Zoom coaching sessions to set goals, discuss challenges and opportunities in-depth, and deepen your learnings. These sessions are 50 minutes in length.

2. Ongoing async coaching.

You get "unlimited" 1x1 email access to me or Tara, officially over 12 weeks. Email coaching is helpful because it means we don't have to experience the hassle of scheduling a call every time you need a question answered!

3. Full 1x1 dating app profile makeover.

We'll typically do this iteratively together via email, so we can methodically look at all of the pieces of your profile, and weave them together into the perfect, cohesive package.


We deliberately include 6x live sessions with Jumpstart, and recommend we meet at the following cadence:

  • Session 1: ASAP after signup
  • Session 2: at the 4-week mark
  • Session 3: at the 8-week mark
  • Session 4: at the 12-week mark
  • Sessions 5 & 6: as needed over the 12 months following your signup

This is because through years of coaching, we've observed that clients get steeply diminishing returns to more than one live 1x1 coaching session a month.

(I've heard of other coaches offering a live coaching call every week — the type of men we work with are f***ing busy successful professionals, and typically don't WANT to spend an extra hour on Zoom every week!)

However, it's hard to make progress toward a specific goal with LESS than one live 1x1 coaching session a month.

Basically, you'll use your Zoom sessions to punctuate chapters in your personal development, not catch up on day-to-day developments in your dating life. We have email for that!


This is “unlimited” with the caveats that:

1. We're not on our phones 24/7.

We always respond to emails promptly, and we virtually ALWAYS respond to coaching emails within 48 hours unless there’s an important reason we can’t (e.g. travel, no service, holiday, etc).

We don’t offer a more specific service-level agreement because like many of our clients, we're also busy and successful professionals, and life happens!

Still, if you label a message as "URGENT," you have our word that we'll bust our asses to get back to you ASAP.

2. We can’t read novel-length messages.

After working with 3,000+ guys, we've learned that 100+ words of context around a single dating question is seldom beneficial.

In fact, the same impulse that drives guys to send long-ass emails tends to be at the heart of their dating woes 🤯

Being blunt, learning to (1) stop sweating every detail, (2) accept that your situation isn’t always unique, and (3) communicate crisply will become an asset in EVERY aspect of your life, not just dating!

This isn’t to say you CAN'T send us 100+ word emails!

It’s just to say that you will reap ENORMOUS benefits from learning to trim the fat, both with women, and with everyone else you communicate with.

And yeah, I’m aware of the irony that this FAQ response is already ~400 words long 😜

5. Why did you make JUMPSTART?

I exclusively offered live 1x1 coaching when I started Dating By Blaine.

As demand for my services grew, I gravitated away from 1x1 coaching toward COURSES, which enabled me to reach and serve more clients — this is a euphemism for "grow my business" 😉

This shift toward courses made sense for me PROFESSIONALLY, but it meant that I lost the close, personal relationships I loved developing with clients 😕

It also meant that I was turning away AWESOME prospective clients who wanted a fully personalized experience.

I created Jumpstart Your Dating Life to work 1x1 with guys like you!

My Jumpstart clients tend to be FASCINATING guys (e.g. entrepreneurs, CEOs, lawyers, and doctors) and if you actually bothered to read all this + the program sounds interesting to you, I can't wait to meet you too!

6. Why should I listen to you?

My most important credentials are my clients' results.

→ I've helped 3,000+ men learn to attract women they're excited about.

→ More than 95% report they'd recommend working with me to a friend.

In addition to the testimonials scattered throughout this page, you can check out 100+ client stories on my Reviews page 📔

In case it's also helpful to hear:

→ Literally MILLIONS of guys tune in for my free advice across my Instagram, my TikTok, and my YouTube every month.

My tips have been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Forbes, CNN, CNBC, Today, and other leading publications.

Mark Cuban decided to invest in my business after I appeared on season 15 episode 3 of ABC's Shark Tank, and I'm excited to share more about partnering with Mark soon 🦈

7. How much does JUMPSTART cost?

If you're working 1x1 with Tara or another coach on my team, the total cost of Jumpstart is your choice of either:

→ One lump payment of $3,985 USD

→ Three monthly payments of $1,485 USD

If you're working 1x1 with me, the total cost of Jumpstart is:

→ One lump payment of $10,000 USD

Why the massive price difference?

The other coaches on my team are every bit as talented as I am!

They're just not the face of Dating By Blaine, and prices reflect supply and demand, not product quality 😋

Anyway, to contextualize the price...

Jumpstart is like a Tesla Model S or X!

It’s not a Lamborghini or a Ferrari, where you’re blowing a massive wad of cash on something exotic.

It's not an entry-level option, either, though.

It's a premium experience, priced commensurate to value, specifically for successful guys who can comfortably invest in themselves now that they want to focus on personal development and dating.

I've invested 10,000+ hours into developing and testing the materials we'll cover (Jumpstart includes every resource I’ve ever created, as well as every learning I've picked up through helping 3,000+ guys over the years!) plus it includes exclusive 1x1 access to me or Tara over the course of several months.

We're REALLY f***ing good at helping men learn to attract attractive women, and we put a TON of time into every one of our clients.

If you decide to give Jumpstart a chance, you’ll see why we're worth it 🤠

BTW if Jumpstart isn't in your budget, no sweat!

Check out my Masterclass, my Texting OS, my Online Dating OS, and my free resources.

Jumpstart definitely isn't the most expensive coaching option out there (I've seen other coaches charge $15,000+ 😳) but it's probably not the cheapest, either.

Price is just one of many variables to consider when making an investment (e.g. ever tried to save a buck, bought the less-expensive of two comparable products, realized you made a mistake, then wound up ALSO purchasing the more-expensive alternative?) but price is absolutely an important variable for most guys.

One more note: the total cost with the monthly payments is higher than with the lump payment.

This is because we pay more in transaction fees with the monthly payments, and there's extra work + risk for us if your payments bounce.

I just wanted to make this crystal clear before you make a decision!

8. How is Jumpstart different from your other programs?

Excellent question!

I currently offer four programs, my (1) Texting OS, (2) Online Dating OS, (3) Dating Masterclass, and (4) Jumpstart.

1. My Texting OS is a ~2 hour self-serve course on texting.

You'll learn to send the right message, every time, so you feel confident texting women. If you specifically need help with messaging on dating apps and texting, it's the perfect option. It's $149 USD on its own, and it's included with Jumpstart!

2. My Online Dating OS is a ~3 hour self-serve course on online dating.

You'll learn to build a top 1% dating profile so you start getting better matches on apps like Hinge, fast. It's also $149 USD on its own, and is also included with Jumpstart!

3. My Dating Masterclass is an interactive program that covers EVERY aspect of dating for men.

My Masterclass encompasses an 8-hour video curriculum (which is included with Jumpstart) and also includes five weekly live group coaching sessions, lifetime access to my student & alumni Discord community, a 1x1 profile makeover, my Texting OS and Online Dating OS courses, and more. For a limited time, the total cost is $995 USD.

4. My Jumpstart Program is a personalized 1x1 coaching experience.

Jumpstart includes everything you read about my other programs, plus 1x1 coaching, both via email and Zoom. Jumpstart starts at $3,985 USD but the total price depends on whether you're working with me, or my teammate Tara.

So it's clear, my Masterclass and Jumpstart cover the same material!

To oversimplify things, Jumpstart is a little like "Masterclass + 1x1 coaching" and you can expect great results with either program. The difference is just the level of depth and personalization.

👉 Want a streamlined, lower-cost, DIY experience?

My Masterclass is your best option.

👉 Want a deeper, personalized, 1x1 experience?

Jumpstart is your best option.

👉 On the fence between my Masterclass and Jumpstart?

This may be the "wrong" thing to say from a business perspective (Jumpstart is a bigger check 😇) but honestly, consider starting with my Masterclass.

You may find everything you need there, and you can always upgrade to Jumpstart later. You will of course get full credit for your Masterclass investment toward the price of Jumpstart. Just email me, and we’ll get it sorted out ❤️

9. How much time should I be able to commit?

Great question!

Budget 3 hours a week over 12 weeks to get the most out of Jumpstart 🗓

You don’t have to make time every day, but you should be able to commit a few hours over the course of a week.

Have TRAVEL planned over the next few months?

That's A-OK!

Travel won’t diminish your experience, or interfere with your ability to get results. If anything, it may give you new opportunities to practice your learnings 😏

Going through an INSANELY busy time at work?

Consider waiting to sign up.

If there will be consecutive weeks where you can’t give the program ANY attention, honestly, punt until you have more time to invest in working with us.

Put more simply:

Have enough time to date today?

If you’re actively going on dates, swiping on apps, or just spending hours a week thinking about girls, you have enough time for Jumpstart.

DON'T have enough time for dating?

If you're so busy with professional or personal commitments that you're struggling to schedule dates, honestly, you'd be better off waiting to sign up.

Two last notes here...

The email coaching OFFICIALLY lasts 12 weeks.

We generally don't mind answering crisp, thoughtful questions after the 12 week mark as long as you're respectful of our time!

If you're sending us daily long-ass rambling emails, though, we're cutting you off on day 84 😂

You get LIFETIME access to program materials.

This includes my Texting OS, Online Dating OS, Masterclass, our 1x1 Zoom session recordings, and bonus materials, so you can always review these after your program ends.

10. How long will it take to see results?

How soon you will enjoy results (i.e. start attracting awesome women!) depends on a few things:

1. The SCOPE of what you want to accomplish.

→ Struggling with texting?

You will see results literally the instant you watch my Texting OS, which is included with Jumpstart.

→ Struggling with self-esteem?

It may take weeks of focused effort to observe real improvements.

Most guys considering Jumpstart have deeper challenges to overcome than just texting, so while you can expect plenty of immediate "aha!" moments from our 1x1 sessions...

It may take WEEKS or even MONTHS, not HOURS or DAYS, to see true transformation in your dating life.

The good news is that >90% of my clients report seeing meaningful and tangible results within 30 days!

It just may take longer to see EVERY result you're looking for, depending on where you're starting from.

2. How hard you WORK.

Coaching isn’t magic, and dating isn’t particularly unique versus any other skill you could learn.

The more effort you invest, the better the results you’ll get. As the saying goes, you can’t cheat the grind!

Still, the same way you'll get pretty damn good at tennis by playing for an hour a day with a pro's instructions for a month...

You will get pretty damn good at dating by devoting an hour a day to the program!

3. How well you follow DIRECTIONS.

Having worked with 3,000+ guys, I’ve observed that (A) some guys are better than others at following instructions, and (B) guys' ability to follow instructions is directly proportional to their results from my programs.

If you're GOOD at following instructions (e.g. school wasn’t hard when you applied yourself), expect BIG results from working with us, FAST.

If you're BAD at following instructions (e.g. no matter how hard you tried in school, you struggled...) candidly you may NOT see results from Jumpstart, and I don't want you to make a bad investment.

🧠 On this note, I've had success helping neurodiverse clients (as well as clients with learning disabilities!) but if this sounds like you, let's discuss it BEFORE you sign up.

11. What’s your refund policy?

Jumpstart is a big investment, and I want you to feel secure making it.

Furthermore, I'm so confident in my programs after helping 3,000+ clients that I'm proud to offer the following refund policy and guarantee...

Seal-like graphic designed to represent Blaine's money-back guarantee

Feel free to sign up, then if you decide within 48 hours that you don't want to continue with the course for ANY reason...

Simply email me for a full, 100% hassle-free refund.

I hope this gives you peace of mind when making your decision about Jumpstart ❤️

To prevent abuse, my only conditions are that you request your refund within 48 hours of signup, and if you consume any of the recorded programs included with Jumpstart (eg. my Masterclass and OS courses), I'll pro-rate your refund for the cost of those programs.

I'm a small business owner, so I'm unable to offer refunds after 48 hours for any reason. Thanks for understanding!

12. Can i speak with a past client?

Yes, but let's make sure Jumpstart is the right fit for YOU first.

First, apply for Jumpstart at the bottom of this page.

If you're interested in Jumpstart and the program is comfortably in-budget, our next step will be to connect 1x1 via Zoom so I can answer your questions, and we can get to know each other better.

Then, if it feels like working together is a fit, and you’d like to speak with a past client before making your decision, I’d be glad to put you in touch with one 🤝

13. What if i have another question?

Email me at [email protected]!

Me and Tara in front of the Golden Gate bridge, high-fiving

My No Questions Asked, Money-Back Guarantee

Dating is hard enough.

I don't want you to feel any anxiety about hiring a dating coach.

If you sign up for Jumpstart, and then at any point in the next 48 hours you feel like you're not getting enough value from the program...

Simply email me, and we'll give you a prompt and hassle-free 100% full refund ❤️

To prevent abuse, my only conditions are that you request your refund within 48 hours of signup, and abide by the refund policies for the recorded courses included with Jumpstart.

Sound reasonable?

Go ahead and apply, and start discovering what makes YOU a catch, even if you’re dubious whether a dating coach can help!

I'm excited to show you what we can accomplish together 😜


What more clients are saying


Blaine teaches you to be yourself, and position yourself, in a way that you can attract and sustain a relationship with women you thought were out of your league. Thank you for everything, Blaine!



Still unsure?
Let's chat!

Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of Blaine's client

4.86/5 (from 3,000+ clients)

Me and Tara on the beach, standing, smiling

Tell me about yourself, and I'll email you a personalized plan within 24 hours.

Don't worry, this is 100% private, and only takes 60 seconds.

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I'll also add you to my email list.
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